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Thursday, April 30, 2009

The religious rant... how I made it this long without one is a wonder

30 April 09

Life is good
This week has been amazing, and very tiring.  Monday and Tuesday I have classes, so after working 5-1, going to the gym to 2 hours, and then a 2 hour class, its a LONG day.  Which actually gets the first part of the week to fly by since, I barely have a moments rest in between riding around etc.  

Work has been going well though some days drag, but such is life.  I have been going to the gym regularly, and am slowly recovering from my fat bastard days of this past winter.  A side effect of riding and working out is I actually eat now, I know... STRANGE.  Though my weight has not dropped the fat parts are falling off, and I am getting stronger.  I maxed at 760 pounds on the leg press today, mind you this is after doing 68 reps at weights from 200 pounds up, and to 760 where I did 3 reps.  I love the looks on peoples faces as my skinny ass leg presses over 4 times his body weight.

The American inquisition
I sadly sped time on Facebook, too much time, and have connected with some people I went to high school with, and it is frightening.  First I was scared since most are married with kids etc, and I felt like I was left behind.  I no longer feel this way, what I find more frightening is how many turned religious.  I find this astounding because fanaticism over religion I can not grasp.  Its like gay marriage, why anyone would care if 2 dudes get married does not register in my mind, if they want to be miserable like every other marred couple... let them.  

While I was in jail I did a lot of soul searching, and everyone seems to find religion inside but me.  I toyed with suicide while I was grappling with where my life was heading, but even then I scoffed at the notion of religion.  When I got out I was on the verge of being homeless, and drinking myself to death,still the notion of prayer was further away than the concept of sobering up.  These days I have a fairly good idea of where my life is heading, well for the next 2 years at least, then who knows where I might move etc.  This insight can from sobriety not prayer.

On easter someone posted on Facebook that it was “the greatest day in human history” meaning the day that Jesus rose to the heavens.  I was livid, I still can not comprehend how that can be compared to the day when East and West Berlin were united, the day when humans learned of our own hideous capabilities either with the dropping of the A-bomb, or the days when liberation came to thousands of Jews locked in concentration camps.   

I mentioned this to a friend who teaches Sunday school, and  she agreed that the rising of Christ was the greatest day ever, this perplexed me more.  Maybe I am jealous I do not have a conviction (based on logic or faith) about anything with this strength.  Even now as I still try to figure out why I am still alive, and where I will be in 10 years I still laugh at the notion of praying for guidance but so many do, but why?  Are they incapable of making a decision themselves, and if god tells them to do, and if it turns crappy they can say “well he works in mysterious ways” type BS?  Do they not have the decision making capabilities?  Can they not decide what is right and wrong for themselves and need a parent to say “do this don’t do that“?

Lastly, I love how they follow just the rules they like... case in point my Sunday School teaching friend  is having an affair with a married man.... oh and she is married too.  Now, she is not the only religious person who picks and chooses which rules apply, but how can people so into the concept of god then be like... god must of been drunk when he wrote that stuff about the virtue of marriage, or abstinence before marriage, or Sunday is a day of rest, the list goes on.

I suppose if you just took the rules you liked... that would just make you a normal chump with a set of values of your own?  Where would the fun be in that?  Now coming back to the point, I think we should form clans who go around converting people to atheism, those who resist are killed and tortured, it would be restitution for the lives lost when the catholic church killed heathens who thought for themselves... and considering religious people pop out kids like its going out of style (think Irish-catholics... and yes I am aware the idea was to have more children to get more votes...) it would be the ultimate in population control!  This should have been Bush’s platform for invading Iraq, it has as much logic as attacking because there was no proof of WMD’s or Al Qaeda.  

Sunday, April 26, 2009

An except of a day

26 April 2009

This past week I nearly got into a fist fight with a co-worker which was beyond comical.  He is in his mid 40’s maybe 50, and he has been out for the last few months after having a rotator cuff surgery.  He was there the first couple of weeks I started working here, and returned a few weeks ago.  Overall he is a decent chap, a bit of a pain but nothing too major.  

This past week he continually tried to be the funny guy with great quips.  He was not aware that this is the service I perform in the shop.  I did not have an issue with his sad attempts until he tried to make me the butt of the joke.  We then start going tit for tat back and forth.  I was just teasing with him since he was not aware of what he was getting starting.  At one point another co-worker overhearing us comes over, and says be careful he has some good come backs.  

We continue on until finally I grow bored with him making the same joke repeatedly which no one found funny the first time, never mind the 12th time.  I start breaking out some new material which culminated with

Me:  “you know why your wife could never be a carpenter? ”
Him: “Why”
Me: “because you have been telling her for years that this I----I is 6 inches”

At this point the 3 guys who were listening in are rolling laughing, and I walk away knowing my job is done.  He comes up getting in my face sincerely angry at which point he actually makes a threat.  I am not a violent man but this is where I draw the line so instead of continuing on my way I had to stop and talk to him.  

I found the whole exchange quite comical, he continually calls me “Lance”  and college boy since I went to school for cabinetmaking.  These in his world are insults which he thinks are original and witty.  I just find them pathetic and sad... the fact that he finds them witty I find downright confusing.  

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A week, and a day

25 April 2009

To start it off, I am still sober so that is 2 weeks now, and have had a few times where I wanted to drink but overall have been doing well.  Overall I feel great though, finally feeling things clicking, work is not as miserable as before though still feel I need a change.  I don’t have a ton of energy, but think that is more a reaction to going to the gym regularly, and riding more.  

I got home last night, and was trashed, just tired and ready for bed at 3 p..m..  I ended up sleeping 10 hours, and was still dragging in the morning but went to the gym for 90 minutes.  I got home went for some breakfast, and hoped on the bike before I gave myself a reason not too.  Which 40 degree drizzle might constitute a reason to some, but not me.

I took Larry out for the first real ride in a year or so which was interesting.  I went for a 45 mile ride which is the longest in sometime, so instead of doing an easy 40 I went out to Golden and went up Lookout Mountain.  It was a great ride though it was raining on the mountain, and cold by the time I hit the bottom I was freezing.  On my ride home something strange happened which is strangely a common occurrence when I do a real ride.  I think its bonking to an exponential degree.  I get super dizzy, feel nauseous, and well like I am completely drunk.  This has happened a lot to me, I think its from not eating enough, but no mater what I try it always seems to happen, feel like I need a trailer of food behind me to keep it from happening.  I managed to make it home safely, and have since been relaxing, since i have little energy, but I love it.

It was amazing getting home and after 4+ hours of exercising today it hit me what I would have been doing 3 weeks ago... pissing my day/life away.  I used to spend my weekends drinking all day, with periods of “naps”.  It is amazing t think how much of my life has been spent drinking myself to death, which no one can really understand unless you have been there.  Most people when getting ready to leave work think about meeting friends or errands etc my first thought was drinking, and the weekend was a blur of drunks with bought’s of passing out, needless to say Monday came soon, and had nothing to show for the 48 hours of freedom except some bad gas, and glazed eyes.  

The past few weekends go by faster, but I remember them, and there is something worth remembering from the weekend.  I now look forward to the weekends with dreams of bike rides, and seeing friends not destroying my liver and laying on the couch.

I have been jumping the hoops of probation have been blowing daily, and going to classes in the hopes this will be over soon.  Overall I think getting busted was well inevitable, and a good thing though I wish it took logic and reason to teach me the same lesson, but clearly that does not work in my head.  

I have been trying to figure out my grand scheme which I am still a bit lost about where I see myself .  I am here in Colorado until September 2010 regardless, and I am not sure if I am going to stay when the time comes.  I do love Colorado, but just feel like I wasted too much of my life, and there is so much to see.  I am thinking about the military again, I could travel the world, visit, and learn of other cultures, and destroy them....  I suppose I have sometime to think about that...  

Monday, April 20, 2009

A very short weekend

20 April 2009

Another weekend passes by
First and foremost, Saturday was the completion of my first week of sobriety in a long time.  Which actually even has me a bit surprised since I did go out to brunch with friends who were drinking heavily, and I did not really have an urge to drink .

I did get more ink done Friday, which is the beginning of the end of my right sleeve, hopefully in a couple of weeks I will get it completed, and that will be it for a little while.  Saturday the weather was terrible, and Sunday was a little strange.  I awoke late, and the sun was shining which was strange since we had 4 days of rain, and snow.  

I had no plans for the day, and was considering a bike ride when randomly five different people started asking what I was doing for the day.  I spent the ay running around meting with people which was a lot of fun.  Had I been drinking I would have been drunk and in bed by 430, which reminded me of how much of my life I have in fact pissed away.  Also, I would have spent $80 instead of the $36 I spent.  

The ride
Most of you know that I am doing the MS ride, here is a link to more information.  

MS Ride

I would like to thank everyone for their help, especially my sister Anne.  Also, GE who will be matching her donation, so everyone buy GE products..  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

MS Ride

16 April 2009

I recently signed up to do a charity ride which is, totally not my style.  I am usually too concerned with myself to do one, and really MS has never touched my life.  Why am I doing the ride then?  I want to well give back in a sense, I am slowly recognizing the forest from the trees.  

I remember seeing ads for the “Jimmy Fund” as a child which also supports MS, and in a sense it seems like as good of a starting point in using what I have to offer to help others.  I have some sort of fitness, and I love to ride so might as well put that to some sort of use to benefit others.  

This is also an exercise in asking for help, which anyone who knows me knows I do not ask for help.  I will give myself a hernia lifting a car before asking anyone to help me, so here is my one plug.  I am trying to raise $300 which is not a huge amount my thinking being if no one donates I can cover it myself.   I will post a link to a website this weekend with information, and a way to donate.  I know just like everyone else times are tough so if you can donate a buck, please do so, if you can’t no worries.  I am not going to turn the blog into a begging campaign to raise money.

A little info about the ride it is a total of 150 miles, 75 on Saturday and 75 Sunday.  It goes from Denver to Fort Collins is a rolling course nothing difficult, I am planning on riding my track bike, and if I can I will be towing Jazmine in the trailer (need to check the guidelines).  It takes place in 70 some odd days, and I have been toying with doing the ride for a few weeks and finally pulled the trigger.  I will get more info up this weekend after all the paperwork etc is in order.  

A quick update
I have been sober since Saturday, have gone out twice with friends where I I not drink though others were, I really did not have a huge desire to drink, and I did enjoy the fact that going out is much cheaper.  I have been going to my classes etc, and everything is ticking along.  I will have more this weekend, but things are going well.  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The clear headed John

12 April 2009

Vicktor Frankel re-read

I have started reading "Man's search for meaning" again.  I first read it while in jail, and recently while looking at my life recognized that the book would be helpful.  I also knew reading the book the first time that I would need to read it a few times to really grasp, and find use in the book.  

This weekend is really my latest attempt at sobriety.  Which is to say that the recent months weekends have been in a drunken/drugged haze.  The weekend would past quickly with little to show other than bloodshot eyes, and a barren fridge/pantry.  

Over the last week I have slowly been trying to change my habits, I have been going to the gym, riding, and trying to be more responsible in general.  I have also concluded that I need to change my job, and in talking to a new friend I have realized what I want from a job, which is not money.  

I have realized that while I was younger I acted young, and jovial, but in the background I was an adult meaning paid bills saved money etc.  Somewhere it changed where I tried to act adult, but in the back room I was a child, not paying bills etc.  I am not sure what the cause was but I think I stopped being who I am, and tried to put on an act.  I think this is why I had such a tough time getting over Phoenix was that with her I acted silly, and natural, I id not put on the act.  Thus when she broke up with me I took it a little more personal since I did not have the fake persona to protect me. 

All this said I realized many things:

1.  Drugs and alcohol are not good for me.(duh) 

2.  I need to change my job, I need to find something I enjoy.

3.  I have to be me, I am special... I can not drink (I am not like most people) I need to be silly and open and not try to be someone else,.

4.  I have to play the game and get through probation/classes etc so I can stop paying $400+ a month in fees, and start putting that money away, or get a much better apartment with that money ha ha. 


I was reading a bit about ADD and alcoholism which was interesting, I never understood why ADD would bread alcoholism until I read an article recently (thank you Marie) which explained how ones mind would slow down with the alcohol making it easier to cope.  It had a great quote which to paraphrase was I hated being bored, but when I was drunk I did not care I was bored.  Which last night it really hit me because I was wired, I was bored nothing could keep my attention, and looking back to the same scenario drinking bored did not bother me, being home sober bored does.  Also, last night was the first time I went to bed sober since January and I had trouble sleeping, my mind was going 100 mph, my mind could not rest which was keeping me awake.  

Today (Sunday) is my second day of sobriety, and I have actually been having no cravings to drink.  I have been having a huge sweet tooth which makes sense since alcohol is sugar, so my body craves it, but candy is better than alcohol. I have read that you should quit sugar when you quit drinking too help keep your body from cravings, but we'll play that by year.  

I noticed I do have a touch more energy, and aspects of my true personality are starting to poe back through from a hiatus in drunk land.  I actually feel good about things, and am working on getting the other aspects of my life in order, hell I even did my taxes!  

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Discussions with oneself

2 April 2009

Work again:

I have  been thinking about a lot of things lately mostly relating to my sobriety, and why i wake up each morning.  Which I have not had a reason in some time.  Those of you who know me well know I have always been driven at work.  I have also been lucky in the jobs I have had because most of them I have enjoyed, and thrived both professionally and personally.  

I have come to some conclusions, which is I want to be happy, and I think I drink trying to chase the purple dragon of happiness.  I chase women in the same hope, and when I do catch one, I am happy but, I am still missing something else, which is why they are short lived.  

As I walked Jazmine just now it hit me, I remember calling in Martin Luther Kings day to spend with Phoenix, and the reason was in the pursuit of happiness.  I wanted to be happy for the day, and hanging out with her provided that, much like now I drink all night in the hopes of a few hours where I can forget about what my life is lacking.  

i love Denver, and have a few good friends, but I want to be more social but, as we all know I tend to be socially awkward, and I stay home in fear of "putting myself out there".  As with everything, I find an excuse for doing so, weather, money, anything to find that reason to stay home, and try to find happiness at the bottom of a bottle.  

The question is how to resolve this?  I have been learning some things about myself, my trigger is being home alone... I have been drinking alone in my room since high school, so being home alone = drinking.  Which I can not explain, but if I come home, and with no plans for the evening I am at the liquor store with out a thought process.  I do not think maybe I will grab some beer, or a beer would be good, almost like sleep walking I pick up the beer, and am home drinking before I think about what I am doing.  

I have been trying to stay away from home in the hopes to "beat" this trigger, but with lack luster results.  I have been trying to read up, but how do you change such a behavior, seriously!  I need to learn to associate being home alone with something else, but trying to do so puts me in a situation to drink, and the dog chases his tail.  

Once upon a time it was reading, I would stay home and read for hours until, I would "pass out" only to do it over again.  Another time is was video games, or reading about stocks, and futures.  These days my interests have dwindled due to alcohol, which is party of the allure of alcohol.  

Most of you probably read this and can not fathom what I am talking about.  I never really could until the last few years, which is odd since I LOVE Colorado, and don't want to leave, but yet since being here I have felt a touch lost.  Just popping into my head, could I possibly miss my family?  Or the friendships I left behind?  Am I really just homesick? 

Trying to play catch up

2 April 2009


I mentioned work is ticking by, but I really hate work.  I can not put my finger on what exactly, the company is good, the guys I work with are good.  Just there is something that is not clicking, which I have been trying to figure out, but just can't put a finger on.  I would never try to use hating my job as a cover for my drinking, but I have to figure if I did not dread going to work I might be less likely to drink. 

I have noticed when I am happy i do drink less, but usually that happiness is wrapped in with a woman.  I figure I have to find it without the girl and then add the girl.  I need to get the big bowl of  ice cream and then add some sprinkles, instead of having a bowl of Alpo, and adding sprinkles.  

This all said I am looking for a new job, in the worst job market of my lifetime... wish me luck!

Larry Lemond

I have finally gotten my road bike up and going after a year of being a hamper it has returned to its glorious state of being my bike.  I did have a mechanical, which I got resolved, changed all the cables, housings, and he is ready to go into the mountains (as am I) unfortunately the weather thinks its December not April.  I am hoping this weekend to get out and go for a ride in the mountains, realize I am a fat bastard, and be inspired to ride more.  


A quick update, she and I are still talking.  She actually came out to visit last weekend which was cool.  I took her up to Boulder, a drive through the mountains, and a quick tour of Denver.  She was not here for long so it was not like she got to see a lot.  It was cool to see her after 13 years, it is funny how life has changed in the time, though I still feel like that goofy Bull Shannon look a like.  

Jazmine's life flashes before her puppy dog eyes

Here in Denver there are a number of parks, and I will usually go to Washington Park to get a ride in if I do not have a lot of time.  There is a road which goes around the park (2.4 miles or close to that) which you can ride laps with out too much interruption.  The park is always packed on a nice day with dogs, walkers, runners, volleyball, etc.  

A few weeks back I was going down to ride, and figured I would bring the trailer with Jazmine.  I figured doing laps towing a trailer with a dog on a bike with but one gear and no brakes would be fun, I was right. As I was riding to the park, I go to turn and the railer goes over on its side!  How I am not entirely sure, since I was not going fast or taking a sharp turn, but figure those two facets combined with where jazmine's weight was caused the trailer to go over.  

I had just gotten on to a slow traffic street as it went over so I stop and Jazmine is still in the trailer, sitting on the side with not cuts etc.  She was clearly scared though, so I took a few minutes petting her to get her to relax.  The rest of the ride went without incident, and Jazmine loved every second, I heard her call another dog a chump for towing it's owner on roller blades.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Yes, I have been lazy with the blog

1 April 2009

The Meeting with the PO

The last few weeks I have been a relapsing, at times drinking heavily, and just a general no giving a dam which culminated in my monthly probation meeting.  Monday I had my meeting which I showed up for with a hang over (I will divulge the details of Sunday night below).  It seems as though a number of things were to come to light, my PO quit his job, which he must of known about for some time, since he never called me out on a number of violations I had recently.  

Technically every UA I have submitted has been "positive" which is not totally true.  All my UA's come back as "Diluted" (I only drink water... and beer) and a "diluted" sample is considered a "positive" result.  Meaning months of samples were "positive" which my PO never mentioned.   My interim PO was pissed, but I explained I had never heard a word of this prior so she relaxed.  

She also had a letter saying I have never gone to a class, which was a mistake since it was from the company in Longmont, NOT Denver where I take classes.  All  in all she was cool after getting an understanding, and looking and saw I have gone to 10 classes... only 49 more classes to go!!! Ha ha

LIttle Explanation

Apparently the average human drinks is supposed to drink 8, 8 oz glasses of water a day or 64 oz.  or roughly 1.89 liters  (though most people do not).  At work I have a half liter bottle, and yesterday I drank 4 liters of water at work alone! Which is why I get "diluted" results it comes off as though I am trying to flush my system, not stay hydrated.

Sunday Brunch

Sunday I had my monthly brunch with friends, after a few Bloody Mary's most people left, and I was left with Brandi.  Brandi is a punk rock girl from MA, rides bikes, and likes to drink.  We then started bar hopping which was cool, but turned ugly come 4 p.m..  At 4 we headed to a gay bar which for guys charges $8 and you can drink all the draught beer you want for 4 hours.  

!0 am: Brunch

12 p.m.: Bar and a few beers

2 p.m.: New bar, few more beers

4 p.m.: Gay bar all you can drink

8 p.m.: Leave bar, and am too drunk to ride  bike.  

I was sloppy when I left, and being some what intelligent (I am using that phrase VERY loosely) I decide riding slow on the sidewalk was the safe way home.  This was until I hit an electrical box, I was not going fast so I just fell over, and cracked myself up laughing on the sidewalk.  I wish I could have seen peoples faces etc but  I was so wasted, that it all was all a blur.  I decided walking my bike home was a better idea at this point, and did manage to get home safely.