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Friday, April 22, 2011

Who loves "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"?

Those who are fans of the show, yes they do make the "dick towel" and its pretty awesome. They even came up with a witty website named... www.dicktowel.com.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Thumb

Ok so its been over a year I have neglected my blog. There is a lot that has gone on, but given I do not have the desire to write it all now. I will give a very brief synopsis and a story. Basically since my last posting I have moved, gone back to jail, met a girl, lost the girl (there were a few) but found another girl. Had a few brilliant ideas, and had some really stupid ones. i also quit my job, and I am currently searching for a new one.

The Thumb
I hated my previous job, more accurately I despised the company. Every Monday I dreaded going in for another week of dealing with their disorganization, and their general treatment or the employees. I awoke one Monday morning in late February with this same feeling of contempt. I started getting dressed for the 15 mile bike ride in when I started debating the merits of calling in sick. Though my sanity is important, I decided to go to work, I work my 8 hours and leave.

As many know I ride a track bike, and I had recently changed to one sided clipless pedals, and the bike had bullhorn handlebars at the time. This all brilliantly played into a visit to the ER. I am stopped at a red light about 3 miles from home, its a warm afternoon, and the light turns green. I start across the intersection clip in and begin to accelerate, when my foot slides off the pedal, I drop down catching my thigh on the cross bar, and before I can recover the handlebars turn, and I go up and over the handlebars. I am sitting in the intersection feeling like an ass, sort of laughing as I get up, and walk to the corner to access the damage. My left hand is bleeding, bike is fine, only my ego is really hurt.

I continue my ride home inspecting my thumb which is mashed, but don’t think too much of it, until a mile later when I notice my left leg is covered in blood. At this point I realize this is pretty bad, and the second I stop pedaling it was going to start throbbing. I get home, and call my girlfriend asking her to pick up some “large band aids” and if I could take one of her pain killers (she has prescription due to screws in her leg) I get off the phone take a pill, a shot of whiskey, a beer, and start looking at the damage. I dress the wound with gauze hoping after a few minutes I will et a better look at the wound after it dries out.

After 15 minutes I remove the gauze, to find a piece of gravel in the cut (very common side effect of road rash) I proceed to clean it out with a Q-Tip. Being a keen observer I noticed it is extraordinarily painful to touch the gravel, mental note: that is bone. I rewrap the wound and start thinking I should see a doctor. Ten minutes later the door opens, and my girlfriend is home after leaving work early thinking I might be in worse shape than I let on. We go to emergency care, who take some x-rays, wrap the wound and send us to the ER. 5 hours and 15 stitches later I am home, with a prescription for antibiotics, and pain killers.

When I fell my thumb was on the end of the bull horn of the handlebars, so though I was going 3-4 MPH all my weight came down on my left thumb. As it hit the ground, the tip of my thumb stopped but the rest of my body kept moving a little further. I basically peeled the tip of my thumb back like peeling and orange. I fractured it in 2 places between the knuckle ad the tip. All this force landed on my thumb nail, causing it to pop off, and beneath the nail is where it was cut. So, long story short I had stitches going across my nail bed and down one side of my thumb. A few days later I went to the hand surgeon, who added a few more stitches, and stitched on an acrylic nail which would keep a gap for the new nail to come through.

It is now 6 or so weeks later, and my thumb is fine, the nail is growing back in, which right now looks as though it will be forever a deformed thumb nail but time will tell.