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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pulled over

16 May 2009

Yesterday I was heading out for a bike ride, and on the way I stopped to do my daily breathalyzer.  I leave an extra lock locked up outside the building just for days when I am stopping by n my way on a ride as opposed to my way home from work.  I blow, and receive a few jokes from the counter staff about my lovely cycling attire.  I have noticed that for a state with such a massive number of cyclist people in downtown are surprised to see people in lycra.  Also, I have never seen anyone else in Lycra cutting through downtown, I wouldn’t except it makes sense that I pass the place on my way out for a bike ride.  

I get out of the building and head down the sidewalk on Welton, this part will be tough for non-Denverites.  Directly south is the 16th Street Mall, which is a pedestrian mall no bikes allowed on the street or sidewalk except for Sunday.  I get to the corner and there is a cop in a cruiser about to continue down the mall and he yells “get off your bike” as I enter the 16th St. sidewalk.  I ignore this since once he passes I am intending on riding on the street.  He passes and I start riding down Welton, the wrong way on a one way.  There are no cars coming and I am going but a block.  What do I hear next? I siren.  I look back and here comes the cop full speed, lights flashing, siren blaring and was comical.  I stop 20 feet from the turn, and he pulls up beside me as I utter “you got to be fucking kidding me”.  

Cop:  “Did you hear me tell you to get off your bike back there?”
Me:  “No”
Cop: “You are going the wrong way down a one way”
Me:  “I am just hoping on to 15th St.” (not 20 feet away)
Cop:  “You have to follow the same rules as a vehicle, you can’t be riding against traffic”
Me:  “but you can?”
Cop: “In the name of public safety”
Me: “Yes, you speeding the wrong way”
The cop interrupts me before I get myself into more trouble“
Cop:  ”You have to follow the same laws, this is why we end up scraping you people off the street“
I wanted to make a ”you people“ remark but bit my tongue.  Now apparently cyclists are a lesser race (terrible pun intended).  I was waiting for him to call me boy next, and to sit on the back of the bus.  
Cop:  ”So, you didn’t hear me tell you to get off your bike back there?“
Me:  ”No sir“
Cop: ”Really? because I was only this far away from you“
Me: ”No“ (being sure to look him straight in the eyes)
Cop:  ”Really?“
I was waiting for him to do the Larry David stare and face exam.
Me: ”No, sorry“
Cop:  ”Ok, well remember the traffic laws are for your safety“
Me: ”yup“

I get on the sidewalk , ride 20 feet and enter traffic on 15th street, with the cop.  I make a point to ride right beside the cop the entire way down 15th, though this meant stopping and waiting at red lights.  Finally he decides to change lanes, with out a blinker...  he stops at the next light, and I pull up next to him and say ”I think your blinker is out sir, because when you changed lanes I did...“ he  gives me a look which screamed... I wish this was 1970 so I could beat the living piss out of you.  He then turned right onto a side street... with no blinker.  

I know he had every right to pull me over, and I was less than cooperative, but I find this interesting.  I have always shown cops a great deal of respect, and aside from my DUI’s never had any trouble.  Even when I was pulled over for my DUI’s I did not give them crap, I knew I was wrong and said ”yes sir, and no sir“.  I am intrigued by my more recent hatred of the police.  Which I think seeing them harass the homeless in my neighborhood, the fact that 30 of them sit on ass on the 16th street mall all day long.  

I can completely see how people become career criminals, the jail system is a joke, and you are let out with no money. no job, nothing.  Unless you have family, or money waiting on the outside you are screwed.  While I was in I got work release for part of my sentence which made it possible to pay my rent etc, and I had luckily just got a new credit card in the mail a week before my arrest.  If these two things had not happened I would have defaulted on my rent, they would have seized my belongings making it nearly impossible to rent another place.  If it was not for the credit card I would not of been able to pay my rent, set up  a new apartment, or basic toiletries (they are not supplied on the ”light side“ aka work release).  I was working a shitty job which barely paid my rent for y jail... yes on work release you have to pay rent to the sheriffs office..  

A hypothetical... I got a year (which the DA was pushing for) with no work release.  I would have defaulted on my rent, my credit cards would be cancelled and I would have that on my credit report.  Any money in my accounts would have been overdrawn via netflix, and other electronic deductions.  I would be released, and have nothing but the clothes in my back.  I would be lying if I said I would not consider stealing.  Yes get a job at McDonalds and rebuild your life is always possible but that is a long long road.  Stealing for fast cash, is quick easy and worst case you end up in jail, with free food and free board.

I have no intention in going back to jail but I truly believe the system creates more criminals than it deters.  If my sentence had been 1 month longer I would have been screwed no way to pay rent for my apartment in Longmont, maxed out credit cards and no cash.  I was lucky, I am sure for basically law abiding people like myself jail does the scared straight thing enough to keep them from coming back, but for the vast majority I think it creates repeat criminals, which learn bigger and better methods while in jail.  

Now go watch Shawshank Redemption ;)

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