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Tuesday, December 9, 2008


9 December 2008

I was walking the dog this morning, and in thinking of the previous days date started wondering.  I like to think of myself as analytical and problem solving…. Though we all know I can be headstrong, and stubborn.  I suppose the two do not rule each other out, but in my grasp they do.  I have been of this futile mission to figure out why I am single, which is futile to a degree in the sense that there is always multiple variables, the girl = x the timing =y etc all the way down to her stuffed animal died in a horrific hang gliding accident = hhga. 

 As Jazmine and I make our rounds I found one constant in my life which may/may not contribute to failure with women, and if my general life.  Impatience… when I meet someone I like I want to se them all the time taking things from 0-60, and taking a 2 yr relationship with a chance to a 2 weeks relationship because after two weeks, you have no real vested interest to work through problem areas.  I think this has been an issue elsewhere in my life…. Referring to my stubbornness etc… maybe it’s the east but I want everything yesterday.   

 Going hand in hand (or so I feel) is being too honest, ha ha.  Well, in relationships I always am very truthful, and I think it’s in the hope of moving things along faster.  I also have an argument against all of this which is that I just want failure to come fast to get it over with… that is way too depressing for me, and if it were true, and I recognized that….

 I have not had a true relationship in a min of a year.  I bring this up because while walking jazmine this evening I started asking myself am I ready to date?  I have not had anyone I cared for in a little over a year, and I am over here etc…. but I don’t feel there is a point. Why (this goes back t the self esteem issue) is I ask myself what I got to offer, and down the rabbit hole I go.   I am really beginning to think I am either my own worst enemy or in need of serious mental help.

 Today turned t head of the dark back alley leading to the back entrance of my building, and there is a guy either urinating or masturbating… following the old school logic of more than two shakes… he was totally masturbating.  I had to laugh, since he was two steps into the alley, I walk up, and pass and about 5 steps later I hear a car pull in behind e, it stops.  Few steps later I turn around… it was a cop.  Which I found comical, in that why does he care, really?  Which has always made me wonder about riding a bike drunk… you can be arrested which prior to my current circumstances I would have loved to fight in court.  These days I get 4 months for jay walking…. There is no need to tease the system.  Even if I won I would be on BA’s until the day I died… because everyone wants the money.


Brian said...

Had a hard time deciphering what you were saying, but I think I got it. Confidence my friend confidence. Stop tearing yourself down. There's no reason for that. Ever think the ladies you've tangled with were at least part contributers to the problem. Technotronic said it best: Takes two to make a thing go right.

OCTCRX said...

pSo you caught someone masturbating. Was that the highlight of your sad, sad day? Anyway, It's Tim. E-mail me back at Octobercrux@yahoo.com. Then we can chat about stupid little things and I don't have to take up blogspace. Peace

Unknown said...

I am still thinking about what I want to say.

Or, did I say most of it already in the last couple of posts abut making notes for the future shrink????

Skippy has a point. Have you looked at WHO you have zeroed in on?