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Friday, December 12, 2008


12 December 2008

I awoke late Thursday after going to slept late, I was up on the phone for entirely too long, in a very good way. I went into work late, just to leave early.  I have not been very motivated at work this week for a few reasons, one of which being the job I am working on.  I am working on a cool kitchen for the founder of the Under Armor­ brand, with Vinnie.  Vinnie is a dick, which makes the day very tiresome.  He is talented and does a great job, but even if he screws up something… it turns into my problem, just a pain.  That and he spends too much time looking at what I am doing, which is just irritating.

Anyways so I had to leave work early to go to orientation at yet another alcohol place, this time in Denver. On my way there I go to deposit the check I got for my totaled car, a good chunk of cash. I got to deposit it, and ask when it will be available, “5 days”.  At this point I am $500 overdrawn and had to buy pizza Wednesday night with quarters… this is not going to work.  I plead, asking if they can release enough to cover overdraft fees “no”.  They mention I can take it to a check casher, which I quickly respond with “How can they cash the entire thing in a few minutes, and you can’t release 10%?” This just gets me an annoyed and puzzled look from the teller.  I take my check and head to my appointment.

I get my appointment, and after some waiting, I am handed a packet of paper ½” thick… all of which I need to fill out.  All of which I have answered 6 times prior, all of which serves no purpose!  I speed through the paperwork, because really I am fed up with the system, and don’t really care.  AN interesting section which was new asks a bunch of questions to figure out you risk level to HIV etc. One of the questions asks how many people have you slept with in the last year. Considering I spent 1.5 months in jail, and haven’t had a girlfriend in 6 months, last fall/winter I got around.  Luckily I have also been tested 3 times in the last year.  While I am filling out my paperwork a few other people come in to fill theirs, which consists of 2 sheets of paper!

I pass in the test, and have to sit and wait, and wait.  I am led into an office where the women starts going through the paperwork, not looking at answers, just sign here, initial here etc.  Didn’t look at a single answer, just making sure it is signed properly, she then breaks out a manila folder, and boom its all gone.  I predict that paperwork will not see the light of day until they go to clean out their filing cabinets.  She goes over the referral from my case manager; ands says that I was screwed.  She could not understand why they had me signed up for one of the classes; she called my case manager, and left a message.  When I go in tonight for yet another orientation I find out if she was able to get some strings pulled, and loses some of the crap.  The end comes and their most important duty is before them… yep time to collect the money.  I have no money I know this, I give her a credit card, which is declined. I play dumb, she says I have 2 hours to get the money or else they throw out the paperwork. 

I leave and head to the check cashing place, long story short they do cash it handing me 4000 in cash and another 9k in money orders.  I felt like a sitting duck walking to me bike, which had been ticketed while I was getting the check cashed.  I am not kidding apparently you are not allowed to chain your bike to light poles on the 16th Street mall.  I probably should not have parked next to a cruiser huh? 

After all of this I stop pay the fee, and head home.  Now the exciting part of the day was ahead of me, I had another date (same girl) who I will call “Phoenix”.  She came over and we took the dogs to the park to let them run around.  I enjoy this but Jazmine has been pissing me off because she continually goes after Phoenix’s dog, and it gets old. Plus that’s all I need is to get vetoed by her dog right?  Afterwards we go out to dinner, and then back to my place.

While we were at dinner we left the dogs in the apartment, at some point Jazmine got her ass kicked.  She went front being the dominant one at the park to being completely submissive, so it looks as though I will not be getting vetoed by the dog.

We were playing with the dogs, talking, and everything is going great.  We were sitting on the floor and we are both accidently touching each other, moving to and fro. Now, any red blooded male would have made a move… not me.  We sat and chatted for 2 hours, and while this is going on in the back of my mind all I hear is “make a move you sissy!!!!” 

It gets late, and she goes to leave, I walk her to her car being the gentleman I am, the entire time saying to myself “kiss her!”  We get to her car, we are standing there talking and she says “So, are you going to kiss me or what?” though this is a huge turn on, at the same time I felt pathetic (rightfully so).  I laugh and make a comment about how pathetic I am that she had to ask, which is just delaying an actual kiss.

 As I walked to my apartment I felt like a happy little kid, and was a wonderful feeling.  I then realized it had been a long time since I have kissed someone sober which is sad on a number of levels. 

I feel that this could end up being something good, overall I think she will be good for me… time will tell.  I sort of feel like she might be the start to something good rising out of the turmoil which has been my life recently (hence the name “Phoenix”).



Unknown said...

Re: Vinnie

He may be very threatened by your obviously superior skills and quick take on the job requirements. As a result, he's probably trying to make your life difficult. DON"T star turning up late because it. get your aspidistra in there on time with a cheery SEG on your face!!!

Re: The Program

That's what those people have to do to justify their jobs. Grin and bear it Politely, even if it costs you some enamel on your teeth. (It's okay to vent it here.)

Unknown said...

Re: Your whine on Skippy's blog.

What parent in their right mind would blow the cost (in those days) on a pair of Air Jordan's for a kid whose foot was never going to quit growing in the foreseeable future????

Unknown said...

Re: Phoenix

Did you or didn't you follow through???

Clownbaby said...

I did finally kiss her after she called me out.

Unknown said...

Good for you!!!