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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hours to days, days to weeks...

6 May 2009

A ride
I went for a ride with a friend today who races, which felt good.  I was dead afterwards, but considering he trains, and has a coach,  Meanwhile I hardly ride I was able to keep up, and make him struggle a bit, made me feel as though maybe racing isn’t such a bad idea after all.  I am looking to do a training race Thursday which should be interesting, we will see how I manage.

Well I am nearing the 2 month marker ok Thursday (the day of the race) will be two months.  I haven’t really had any desire to drink, well none to which I have come close to cracking.  I get urges every now and again, but luckily I am easily distracted and forget about them shortly.  

Work is going very well, and though it is slowing down, it looks as though we have work until october, then it seems a touch sketchy.  Apparently people are a little hesitant on building multi-million dollar vacation homes as of late (go figure) come fall, I might find myself out of a job, since I am the last person hired.  time will tell.  

The midnight wrap up
That about sums it all up.  Time keeps ticking away as it does, and now its June!  I did not have to go for BA’s everyday this week which was great, and saves me some money.  I have actually been sticking to my budget, which means I actually have money in the bank.  Looking back through my records it seems I just spent a lot of little things.  A few dollars here, and there not huge things and nothing “extravagant” just maybe a stop at Starbucks etc, and they all add up.  That and dating, dating is expensive reason 1001 why I am turning celibate.  

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