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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where's Fido?

8 February 2009

Here is a picture of my apartment see if you can find the dog.  Today is going to be a cleaning day I think...

This is my sink... walking by the smell almost makes me vomit.  I gave up on espresso because the machine is too close to the sink.  I am wondering if I should really be posting this... Later I will have pics as I clean the fridge... stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Is she the tannish blob behind the bike wheel?
You should be reported to both the Board of Health and the ASPCA! The kitchen could be declared a bio-hazard. What's the bathroom like? A mold experiment?

Clownbaby said...

Remarkably the bathroom is not too bad, shower had a lot of dirt in it from Betty. You are correct Jazmine was the tannish blob behind the bike.