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Friday, February 6, 2009

Don't hate the playa, hate the game

6 February 2009

I had my 6th of 30+ classes I have to attend last night, and what I
would find as an interesting thing happened.

The Overview
Class is held in a smallish conference room with a rectangular table
with 15 chairs positioned. everyone shows up signs in, and takes any
seat, and we basically play on our phones, ipods, or idle chit chat
for 20 minutes until the class is then released.

The "story"
I entered the room and there was one other person in the room so I sit
about 5 seat from him, and we end up chatting a bit. He takes a seat
on the opposite side of the table. Now there is a cute blonde in the
class, and she comes in and with say 10 open seats picks the one right
beside me which I found odd since who sits right next to someone when
given the possibility to have a chair between you right?

I compute this all on the fly and come to the conclusion this is my
chance to chat her up right? I was in a crappy mood so I chickened
out and did not say a word to her at all. My question is am I reading
too much into it? What aggravates me is more the fact we have stuff
in common at the very least we both got busted... What are peoples


Anonymous said...

Maybe she sat there because the two of you were across from each other in the middle of the table and she didn't want to be stand-offish.

Why are you doling out so much cash for nothing? Shouldn't you be righteously indignant? You would save money on the shrink that you don't have, yet,if you were actually getting the services you were paying for.

Clownbaby said...

The class is designed to be 2 hours long. We had a sub once who kept us the 2 hours and I went home and drank it was the most depressing relapse inducing experience ever, This is court ordered, not something I want to do or feel needed. I would much rather go to a shrink BUT skipping the class = violation which my PO sees and I get a phone call.