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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2 years... and slowly dying

11 February 2009

Yesterday was my two year anniversary of moving to Colorado which got
me thinking, about the fact I still have not had a true relationship
in sometime. In the past 2 years I have had sex with 13 different
people, and dated... I don't know. I am actually not 100% on the
number 13, I would have easily forgotten one.

This has NEVER been my style, I have am a serial monogamist, up until
moving I think there is something in the water which makes women here
a touch... touched. Over the past 2 years there are a few which I
hoped and tried my best to turn into something meaningful, but as life
has a way of doing it sorted itself out.

As I search the library f match.com I start wondering really, what is
next. Do I really keep doing this? Where is the end, or will it ever
end, and I going to be 80 sitting on Match trying to find some young
60 year old tail?

Almost died twice
I worked a good 10 hour day today, and riding home 2 interesting
things happened. As I charged to get through a yellow/red light and
something goes wrong... not sure what thinking I snapped an axle,
luckily the bike is still moveable and ride it to the curb. Turns out
I threw the chain, which how? I have no clue, must of been putting
down some good power with a slightly loose chain? This is problematic
in many ways since the chain is how I am capable of stopping. The
chain jumped inward to the spokes which is bad in terms it could tear
the rear wheel apart luckily it fell in and though ate up my spoke a
bit, did not break any, and by falling inward there was friction to
let me stop. I fix this and continue home.

A mile later I go to skid before rushing into traffic when something
slips..... no brakes. Luckily it grabs again and I stop about 2 feet
from a bumper moving 30 mph. I goto accelerate and nearly spill as
something slips again. I just fixed the culprit, the lock ring was
loose, which I can only imagine was a result of the thrown chain
earlier. I am starting to think of the movie 'Final Destination' and
getting a little worried, ha ha.


Anonymous said...

E-mail only the "Almost Died Twice" section of today's blog to Gene and see what kind of advice he can give you about the chain ring and wheel, etc.

Do you NOT have hand brakes on that damned thing????

Clownbaby said...

Hand brakes? No, who needs hand brakes? How am I to been an 'over the hill' hipster with hand brakes?

Shamrox53 said...

match.com is just a diversion...you most likely won't find what you're looking for. the hardes thing is to be still where you're at now...when you described riding to the highest point or seeing the sunset...enjoy that and just "be"...be still where you're at...get to feeling good about your daily life...do the things you love to do...the rest will follow. seriously.

Anonymous said...

you absolutely need brakes you idiot! shamrox is brilliant.. i say AMEN my sistah