Yesterday afterwork I had a bunch of errands to run, so I went into
work at 6, leaving at 2. I went and ran my errands getting home
around 330. About 415 I was bored to death... thus I started
drinking. My new way of thinking is going to be to go into work
later, meaning I do not get home until later, which actually works to
keep me sober. Also I do enjoy killing 2-3 hours before heading into
work, write my blog, have some pancakes, listen to some music etc.
Betty gets a new pair of shoes
Ok, not quite but I ordered her a new rear wheel. Her current one has
a lump in it so as your ride you feel a thump every time you hit the
high spot. I can not get it fixed (pun intended) since I do not have
a spare rear wheel to put on her, and without a wheel I got no
The idea being when the new wheel comes in I can fix the current
wheel, and keep it as a spare in case something happens, broken spoke
etc. I will have pictures next week after it gets built but should
look snazzy.
1 comment:
Among the errands did you pick up the baking soda boxes? They will help.
Go to work later. Go to the gym and exhaust yourself. Read more. Think about being in jail. Work on staying sober!!!
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