Today marks two years in Colorado, I suppose technically its
tomorrow. 2 years ago today we set out in a Honda Element with all
our belongings to make a new life in CO in hopes ofr striking it rich
in the gold rush. What?
Kris and I made the trek in 35 hours (+/-) it was quite the haul. I
remember it quite clearly it was interesting and pretty brutal. I
think I drove 31 of the hours, stopping only to eat twice, and
stopping every 2 hours to refuel and grab energy drinks. I forget how
much the drive cost but every stop I would grab 4 energy drinks (I
tried them ALL) and hop back in the car and continue West.
Everything was good until we hit Iowa where the exit sign number is a
mile marker, and I remember the first sign is 400+ and my jaw
dropped. I remember computing 400+ miles of darkness (it was 2 am or
so) with nothing to see but passing lorries.
I moved to Colorado with 5 boxes 16" x16" a duffle bag and 3 bikes,
and since then I haven't really got much more stuff, well nothing that
if I was moving across the country again I wouldn't mind losing. It
was quite the fantastic trek, thanks to an ipod otherwise I would have
likely gone insane, maybe I did a little regardless.
Last night I as I went to bed at 8 pm (no, I am not 60) I started
thinking about the last 2 years. There have been a lot of crappy
times in Colorado, not sure why I love it here, ha ha. Most were a
matter of just living (heartache) some were my own stupidity (DUI) and
the rest just were. There have been some great times mostly the
little things, like riding to the top of the highest paved road in
North America on a bicycle (Mount Evans). Riding 25 miles to work
each day (fixed) and seeing the sun rise over farm land, and slowly
showing the snow capped mountains.
Now in Denver, I nearly forget how majestic the mountains are on a day
to day basis, but whenever I get to go snowboarding in them I quickly
remember. A couple of weeks ago riding down Loveland pass with
Jazmine running along side through a foot of fresh powder was probably
one of the coolest moments in recent memory. We stopped half way down
and hung out in the smoke shack before finishing off the ride. Only
to reach the road catching a ride back to the top to do it again.
I have yet to return to MA, and really the thought has never crossed my mind. On the same note only one person has come to visit me. Someday I should head back to visit the pole' and the family, but not anytime soon. There is always Christmas 2009, ha ha.
In the short term I am "stuck" here until I am done with my probation
(Sept 2010) after that who knows . 2 Years is a long way off, and 4
years ago I would have never guessed I would be living in Colorado so
I suppose its just a matter of enjoying the ride.
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