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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Entering the belly of the beast (Part 1 of 4)

13 September 2008

 It started off as a very promising day, after talking to a girl I had met online a few weeks prior we had set up a date.  We were meeting at a bar in Lafayette to play some pool, perfect situation to be able to talk, and have a few drinks.  We met up, and she was mighty cute, though a smoker which was a strike, oh and a kid, not with her ha ha just in general.  With two strikes against “Tamie” to begin with you would think why bother, well she was dam cute. 

The more I think about the night, I start to realize she DRUGGED ME!  No, that I had a lot to drink, because we were playing pool, having a good time, and at some point we start making out in the middle of the bar which really is not my thing.  I was clearly in rough shape for that to have take place.  It is getting towards closing time, and someone comes by to grab her car.  I was not sure what this was all about except that this meant I had to give her a ride home.  Which in my eyes is a great thing, hey I am a guy!   As the threat of closing looms closer she orders shots, which I do remember thinking this is a bad idea, after shot number 3 it crossed into really stupid. 

 We leave the bar, and I let her into my nicely cleaned car (just in case such a thing might happen) and I do believe there was making out against the car, but I will admit the night is foggy at this point. We head off towards her place and I recognize the fact I am on the wrong side of the road, and there is a rather large divider between the side I am on and the correct side.  Think “Planes trains and automobiles” when the couple is screaming “you are going the wrong way” and John Candy says “How they hell do know where we are going?”  A lot like that but not nearly as funny, so at this point I recall even less I try to cut through where there is a cross street and hit a tree. 

 The airbags go off, and so does the alarm in my head that yes I am screwed. I try to pull the car off to the side of the road which in the cop’s eyes turns into fleeing the scene of an accident.  “Tamie” apparently dislocated her shoulder (this is what my public defender said a few days later but he was not 100% on the details) I screwed up my wrist which is still tender, but with no health insurance I just try not to do much with my left hand. 

 The officer shows up, after receiving a call about a car driving down the wrong side of the road, and I am tossed in the back seat.  This is about 2 am on the Sunday and I am taken and booked, during which I asked if “Tamie” was ok, and the officer tells me to come back between 8-5 on Monday.  No, he ignored me and continued talking about the Broncos with a co-worker.  This whole part is rather boring except when it comes to the breathalyzer.  Now, hindsight being 20/20 I should not have blown since I was going to jail anyways, and my BAC was used against me through my trial, and is still mentioned during my meetings and so forth.  Had I not blown the only difference would be oh you didn’t blow.  So, I go to blow and the two cops start guessing what I am going to blow one says .16 the other .12 which I figured he couldn’t be serious.  .12? Really? Ye of little faith.  I blow twice both at .244 three times the legal limit.  Both cops almost seemed impressed I was still up and about.  I am then transported to Boulder County Jail to finish the booking process….

 I am not making light of the fact I was clearly in no shape to be driving but  I have spent days mulling the whole thing over in my head, and as all of you know my way of dealing with everything is by joking about things. 

 Also, as mentioned a number of times at this point the “you could have been killed” philosophy because living this out is much, much worse than dying.  Had I died this would all be over, and Jazmine would have to carry on my legacy instead of this blog.  On the other side if I had killed someone… that question is the one that truly makes me wonder.  I know what I did was moronic, and my second time making the same stupid mistake.  I feel had I died it would be Darwin kicking me in the ass, survival of the fittest or at least he smartest.  Had I killed someone else, that I have a huge issue concerning.  I have done a lot of stupid things in my life, and I accept responsibility for them all including what I am now facing but had I taken an innocent life… that I still can not grasp.  I would like to think after prison I would become a huge advocate and try to make the world a better place, but in reality I think I would kill myself.  


Unknown said...

Please re-read the last paragraph of this post every time you contemplate falling off the wagon.

We'd hate to lose you permanently.

Brian said...

My mother said it best. You're going to be alright.