16 November 2008
I have bunch of stuff I have been trying to write but somehow I never can find the time. I feel like I have to post stuff for my two fans since otherwise what else would they do on the internet?
I went on my first recreational bike ride in a while, meaning I just rode anywhere I wanted but trying to burn myself out. I will sleep like a baby tonight. This got some of my old racing stories popping up in my head, and I actually rode by the scene of the accident today as well, which was something else.
The scene of the crime:
As I was riding I was in the town of where I was arrested, and having a general idea where it happened I figured I would swing by and see if there was any evidence of my night on the town. Those of you who do not known South Boulder road, it’s a semi busy road going East/West, and stretches from Lafayette into Boulder. In Lafayette part of it is divided with a grassy knoll with tress, grass and so forth.
When I say there is a knoll I do not mean a curb, it’s a stamped concrete ramp (about 60 degrees?) rising 2 and a half feet out of the ground, to where the grass is and trees grow. I rode up the ramp slamming into the tree; it is still thee though the top has been chopped off. It is sitting at a 45 degree angle with a bunch of roots pulled out, it was something else to ride by and se the damage. The fact I am still alive is a tribute to the design and use of air bags and seat belts. I meant to stop and take a picture, but while I am riding I hate to stop for anything, never mind to take a picture of a tree who would love to pull itself from the earth and kick my dumb ass.
For those of you I the area it is at South Boulder Road and Etna, maybe a mile east of 42.
Housatonic Hills:
I also got remembering back in the day training to race, and probably one of my favorite races. I did the race 2 ½ years ago, and there is another story that gets wrapped up with in everything else. I had signed up for the race a few months in advance because it was supposed t have a lot of climbing and I love to climb, though I am not the best.
As the race cam closer I had started seeing someone, and the week before the race we were talking and she asked what I was doing for the weekend. We all know I love to plan things, and cancel when the time comes because I am lazy. I mention I have some bike race, which at this point I am considering not going to because I don’t want to go to CT for a race. She mentions she is visiting here sister, and family. She then asks where the race was and not being a 100% I mention its Southbury CT or something I need to figure out where directions. Guess who lives in this town... yes, her sister.
I look up the race, info and race goes by her sister’s house, so it turns into me going to the races then meeting her sister and brother in law… ok. Race day comes, and its a 40+ mile loop ending with a mountain top finish, I looked at the profile but figured it would be a good way to get me better at climbing, and also help fluff my resume to get into CAT 4’s. The day comes and its hot, I am under prepared have o water, food, so the last minute I am scrambling to et a bottle of water, and something to eat, meanwhile my new girlfriend is watching.
We line up to start and give the group ahead of us 5 minutes so we won’t get mixed in with them, or so the theory goes. The first 8-9 miles are flat, going along a river, and everyone in the peloton is talking, nothing is really going on, until we hit the first climb. We start catching people from other groups, so as you are climbing you are passing old men, women, you lose all bearing where you are, or how you are doing. The race continues, and I end up missing a 2 turns because the flaggers are not paying attention. The race was awesome though I remember flying down a hill hitting 55 mph thinking this is fun. I miss am with a group of 12 other guys I am pulling, and miss a turn at 30 mph, everyone else knew the route, I hear them yelling “right” as I go straight. I slow and turn around.
I try to catch them but as we near the final climb I lose them, the climb was tough, and it was HOT I was out of water, and I was struggling. I finally reach the top and cross the line exhausted, and there is the girlfriend and her sister. Throughout the entire race you were catching people from other groups, and I was thinking I came in dead last so as se walks up I am thinking nice I came in last way to impress her.
She starts congratulating me who I was of saying I did terrible I must be in the last 10, she says no only a few people finished before you. Turns out I got 13th, but it was a CAT 4/5 race so for the CAT 5’s I got third place, I was very happy. This was also the only race where they gave you food, after the race there was bread, and cereal, fruit, candy it was awesome!
After the race we got to her sisters, and I end up meeting everyone, both parents, both step parents, brother in laws parents. Meanwhile I am covered in sweat, and dam tired, but apparently I did ok, since we kept dating after meeting the entire family.
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