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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Legal update

30 May 2009

Earlier this month I realized that I was called for UA’s )peeing in a cup) 3 times in 20 days, which is mathematically impossible if I am on the once a month program.  I went in and talked to them, long story short the woman 6 months ago (my case manager) made a mistake and put me on the wrong program so I was dropping twice a month.  

The funny thing is my case manager is an umpa lumpa with the personality of dried cow dung.  She mopes around the office, never smiling never showing any life aside from breathing and letting out what I imagine is her specifies mating cal of “umphhh”.  She is the type of person if she spontaneously combusted, everyone would look around, and not realize she was gone for 3 weeks.

IT takes two days, but finally everything is cleared up.  During this time she never once talked to me directly, we would be in the same room and she would say to someone else “tell him...” meanwhile we are 4 feet apart, and I can hear every word.  Its like when you are 5 and are mad at your best friend.  I understand people screw up (hence why I have alcohol monitoring to begin with) but she never was said “sorry I screwed up”  she starts with a story about how my PO said wanted me on 2 etc.  This I call her out n since when I was assigned the color I did not have a PO I had a piece of paper from the court saying 1 UA a month..  She class my PO to “verify” its only once a month and my PO says yes, just like the court ordered paperwork says.  

UA’s are a touchy subject with my PO, they have led to many an argument since mine come back diluted because I drink too much water.  I have offered giving blood etc but the newest is if I have another dilute I will get (drummer roll please) assigned more UA’s!  This is the genius of the judicial system, there is a reason these people are not working for NASA!  

The PO Meeting
I missed my meeting 2 weeks ago due to my crash, and not having the money to go to the meeting.  My meeting was then changed to yesterday.  I felt ok going in though I figured an argument would ensue about the UA’s.  I go into the office and the first thing I hear is...

PO:  “What did you just give up on your monitoring or want to kill trees?”

She has a stack of sheets from place I go blow, and do classes.

Me:  “What are you talking about?”
PO:  “I have a stack here saying you haven’t been doing anything”
Me:  “I go there everyday, there aren’t any issues.”

She now takes the time read (yes I spoke correctly) the faxes.  She yells at me and THEN decides maybe she should read the faxes to see what they say... again there is a reason these people aren’t working in NASA.

Turns out BI double faxed everything so half of them are duplicates and can be tossed.  The others are nothing a letter saying I had an excused absence from class (due to the crash) a dilute UA (which we had discussed on the phone 2 weeks prior) a DRS saying I finished one of my classes.  Of that stack of papers there was no alarm.

The meeting continues she takes my money etc, and I ask to have my breathalyzers lowered since in 6 months  have never blown hot, she agrees, and no I only blow 12 times a month instead of every single day.  S I call in everyday to see f my colors are called (1 for UA and 1 for BA) if they are I go in and do my thing.  This is huge since today is the first day in 6 months I don’t have to go in and blow or pee.  Not to mention at $4 dollars a piece, it saves me $80 a month.  

It almost appears the end might actually come
The lowered BA’s is huge, combined with the end of next month I will have another class completed saving me another $100 a month.  It almost seems like I might get out of this without going back to jail.  Hopefully the end of July I can get my BA’s lowered again, and maybe by the 1 year anniversary (September) I will only have some classes to finish up.  The only hang up is...

Community Service
This office is filled with the creme ala creme  of mental retards.  I have called an left messages 6 times... no return call.  I have left in each message my new address.... they still mail things to my old address.  These people aren’t working at NASA for a reason.  Hell these are the people who Wal-mart turned down as greeters, because they could not remember the  line “welcome to Wal-mart”.  Pictures of these people should be used by the Trojan company to promote safe sex.  Finally the best part of these humans ran down their mom’s leg and ended up as a stain on the mattress.

I can not do my community service because the due date has passed, BUT I can not get an extension or assigned more hours etc because they will not o their jobs and get me an extension letter or  a letter stating I need to perform more hours.

This is my final stumbling block, that and a MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) panel which I just need to get really drunk and go to one night, ha ha ha.  Which I will get that taken care of this month its just a matter of going, and paying money because thats what the whole judicial system comes down to, those who have money pay and aren’t n trouble the poor pay through the nose every spare cent.  

Quick note
I am still sober which is... 7 weeks.  I have a bunch of other stuff to post, but have been busy so keep posted.     

1 comment:

Skippy's Mom said...

Has your poor face and the rest of the road rash healed?

The bureaucracy is the same in all state and federal agencies. Social Security office and voicemail are a real trip too but they don't cost me cash every time I call or go there. Good for you on the 7 weeks!! Keep it up. We are rooting for you.