2 April 2009
I mentioned work is ticking by, but I really hate work. I can not put my finger on what exactly, the company is good, the guys I work with are good. Just there is something that is not clicking, which I have been trying to figure out, but just can't put a finger on. I would never try to use hating my job as a cover for my drinking, but I have to figure if I did not dread going to work I might be less likely to drink.
I have noticed when I am happy i do drink less, but usually that happiness is wrapped in with a woman. I figure I have to find it without the girl and then add the girl. I need to get the big bowl of ice cream and then add some sprinkles, instead of having a bowl of Alpo, and adding sprinkles.
This all said I am looking for a new job, in the worst job market of my lifetime... wish me luck!
Larry Lemond
I have finally gotten my road bike up and going after a year of being a hamper it has returned to its glorious state of being my bike. I did have a mechanical, which I got resolved, changed all the cables, housings, and he is ready to go into the mountains (as am I) unfortunately the weather thinks its December not April. I am hoping this weekend to get out and go for a ride in the mountains, realize I am a fat bastard, and be inspired to ride more.
A quick update, she and I are still talking. She actually came out to visit last weekend which was cool. I took her up to Boulder, a drive through the mountains, and a quick tour of Denver. She was not here for long so it was not like she got to see a lot. It was cool to see her after 13 years, it is funny how life has changed in the time, though I still feel like that goofy Bull Shannon look a like.
Jazmine's life flashes before her puppy dog eyes
Here in Denver there are a number of parks, and I will usually go to Washington Park to get a ride in if I do not have a lot of time. There is a road which goes around the park (2.4 miles or close to that) which you can ride laps with out too much interruption. The park is always packed on a nice day with dogs, walkers, runners, volleyball, etc.
A few weeks back I was going down to ride, and figured I would bring the trailer with Jazmine. I figured doing laps towing a trailer with a dog on a bike with but one gear and no brakes would be fun, I was right. As I was riding to the park, I go to turn and the railer goes over on its side! How I am not entirely sure, since I was not going fast or taking a sharp turn, but figure those two facets combined with where jazmine's weight was caused the trailer to go over.
I had just gotten on to a slow traffic street as it went over so I stop and Jazmine is still in the trailer, sitting on the side with not cuts etc. She was clearly scared though, so I took a few minutes petting her to get her to relax. The rest of the ride went without incident, and Jazmine loved every second, I heard her call another dog a chump for towing it's owner on roller blades.
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