15 February 2009
I went out for the monthly brunch that myself, and some friends do,
which actually was interesting. On my way to go blow I am about 6
blocks from home, and slowing for a stop sign my chain breaks.
Luckily i was not going fast so I put my foot down slide to a stop.
While leaving my apartment earlier I realized I had forgotten my bag
(with my tools etc) in the apartment and figured what are the odds
something will happen? I walk home and fix the chain and head back
out. The broken chain freaked me out since, well the chain stops me,
so when it broke I had no brakes, kind of freaky. This time I had out
with my bag, and ride well slower than my normal cruising speed.
Arriving at Dazzle the place is packed, more so than usual I suppose
those with someone enjoy a good breakfast after the holiday. This is
the very reason I chose today a month ago thinking it would be good
after making love all day. We are talking when someone hears someone
ask if they will deep fry a twinkle for them, we all discuss the
merits of a deep fried Twinkie, when I decide it would be worth a
try. It was quite good better dipped in chocolate but good.
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