23 November 2008
When I first arrived to Colorado I had about $200 but my rent paid for a month, and well a girlfriend who could help out until I got a job if I needed it. Since, I had no computer I spent a lot of time at the library for the free internet. One day as walking down an isle I noticed a book out of the corner o my eye, “living the simple life”. I figured I would give it a read, and well the book though written 30 years ago still struck a chord with me, and I practiced a lot of the things mentioned in the book.
When myself and said girl broke up and I moved out, I had money but not much else. When I moved out of the apartment to the untrained eye, you would not have noticed a difference. I am not saying that she rearranged etc, but taking all my stuff out left the closet a little empty, and my new computer was no longer in the corner, oh and my espresso machine was missing. When I got to my new place I realized I might need a few things… a mattress I was content without a couch until I started seeing someone, and sitting o the kitchen counter talking was not cutting it anymore.
I picked up other things, and moved… again. Now as I pack for my move to Denver I am selling a ton of stuff some is stuff I hadn’t touched in a year, some was just questionable from the beginning. I find it tough not to spend the money though really I don’t need anything. I bought a new chain for my bike (which I do need) I bought a 16 gig memory card for my phone so I can listen to music at work (which compared to the price of a 16 gig iPod is a no brainer).
What spurred this all on was I just brought another load to the garage, why do I have a garage because you have to give 30 days to cancel the lease on the garage too. I thought this was crazy, but it’s coming in handy now sine I can move everything o the garage Wednesday back the truck up to it, and be on my way. The point is that I can fit ALL of my belongings including 8 things I have on eBay to sell, and STILL fit a car in there if I had one, and be able to enter and exit the car with relative ease. I feel good about it, since it makes the move easier but I wonder where all my money goes. I know tens of thousands have been pissed away… literally.
Hey Crabman
Last winter I was drinking a lot… and I used to wonder if I died how long it would take until I was found. This is imagining I did not have Jazmine because sooner or later she would bark etc causing neighbors to call. I was watching “My name is Earl” today and a guy on his list dies, and they can’t find anyone who knew him. He makes a comment along the lines of “How does someone go though life and not make any connections?” As I pondered his, and back to how long until someone noticed I was dead, I was bringing a load of boxes to the garage.
Neighbor: “Oh, you are moving?”
Me: “Yeah, moving to Capitol Hill to be closer to work.”
Neighbor: “Aww that’s too bad, I was finally getting used to seeing you around.”
Now I have lived here 13 months (minus the 45 days I was in jail) and this is the LONGEST conversation we have ever had, and she lives down a flight of stairs from me. MY neighbor next door made a similar comment and this is the second time I have ever talked to them. The first was when I left my key in the mailbox, and he dropped it of.
This is combined with the fact that I talk to my best friend’s mom, more than I talk to my own mother it really got me wondering. Drinking is supposed to be a social type activity yet clearly being an alcoholic I never became social. To blame all this on alcohol is not true since I obviously have issues connecting to people.
The irony is that the few friends I have made in Colorado I am moving away from, which I will likely see very little. I am not going to Boulder to hang out since Denver has more to offer, and people from Boulder don’t go to Denver, it’s like trying to push two positive charged ions together, it just doesn’t work.
There is a great episode of “It’s always sunny in Philadelphia” which really hits this on the head. One of the guys inherits a mansion when his mother dies, so he wants to round up the crew for a party. The three guys look at their phones and each have two numbers in their phones., the other two guys in the room, which summed up my life as I would watch that episode drunk, with a pitcher of beer in front of me.
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