29 October 2008
I have a deep hatred toward buses, it started as a child. While everyone else went to drivers education, got their drivers license and cars, I was busy working and took the bus to school. I remember wanting a bike instead of a car around the age of 16, I got neither just a bunch of crap from my family when I needed a ride. I turned 18 which according to MA law you can get a license without drivers education, so I got my permit, took the test a few days afterwards, and have driven both sober, and drunk ever since.
When I turned 21 I bought myself a truck, and came home. Now, my father and I at some point ha d a falling out of sorts around this time. I never told him about the truck, and let him assume it was a company vehicle. He actually ran the plates to find out it was my truck, who does that?
A few years later I decided to take some time off and head to Ireland for a few weeks. This turned into a few months, and someday I will delve into how that al happened. In Ireland the only way to get around was by bus, and I got accustomed to 13 hour bus rides. The schedule always seemed to under estimate the traveling time by a few hours or so it seemed. Even though I took the trip from Galway to Derry 10 times the estimated travel time of 7 hours was always 10 or more. Since my faithful days in Eire I have travelled either by car or bike, but never by bus. Something about a bus strikes me as poor, guess what folks, I AM POOR! Needless to say today it was with quite a bit trepidation that I stepped onto the mighty steed. Combined with my knack of making plans, and then dreading them when the time comes, which then require me to cancel last minute it was pretty amazing I got on the bus.
The reason for the bus trip goes as such. Yesterday, I received a phone call as I was sitting upon the throne contemplating world events when I receive a phone call. I answer, and though I have a basic idea what this is about, I am 80% in the dark. As most of you know in the past 2 months I have applied for jobs ranging from telemarketer to cooks, to Pedi cab driver. Combined with the fact I have been applying in Longmont, Boulder, and Denver I was pretty lost as to which application he we were discussing. I fumble through the call, trying to get key data, it turns out I emailed my resume two months ago to a Craigslist ad, which did not state the company name in the ad. As the call progress’ we set up an interview for today, and I casually ask “where are you located?” Turns out to be Denver, which is good since I want to move down in a month. I get off the phone, look at the map for their location and start trying to figure out the travel situation. With the revocation of my driving privileges the jaunt to Denver is a little more involved then starting the car.
How the hell do I get to Denver? A 40 mile bike ride is always good, but not a great impression when you show up stinking and sweating right? Here in Colorado trains are for cargo, not people. Jumping a train does sound like fun but probably not the best idea since I am working with a time table. The lovely bus seems like the only option, I then begin considering postponing until Monday. I soon recognized I am 30; I really need to step up to the plate and hop on the bus to do the interview
Marc on the bus
I ride on the bus into the city everyday
I sit on the seat and dream myself away
I dream I’m was on an island with that foxy lady too
But when awaken I must be mistaken I am off at avenue.
Got to love the beastie boys! I geared up my strength, swallowed my pride, and made my way to catch the bus. I get into Denver an hour later, and pass my resume off to a courier. I so want to be a bike messenger, chicks dig them, and they are so cool. I then go riding through town, with a general idea where the shop is, and after consulting a map I find the shop. I walk in and state I am absurdly early for my interview. Hey, I was nervous about the whole bus thing and left a little prematurely. Unfortunately, no one is around to do the interview, what to o for the next 90 minutes. The shop like most is not in downtown, so not much to do except sit in Starbucks and kill time. Thank you to everyone who texted me while I was killing time. The interview went great, and well long at 2 hours.
The shop is sort of small 10 guys, with 3 in the office. Seems a lot like a shop I ran years ago in Norwood, easy going crew. The shop features flexible time, benefits, decent pay, and the ability to work on a wide range of projects. The equipment is nice, and everyone gets their own station, and completes their own projects from start to finish. This is great thing since you don’t have to start after someone else did something in a manner you do not agree with. Also, at the end of the project the end result is yours good or bad. The owner was quite taken by my resume (thank you Skippy) and offered me the job.
Having a job is quite the relief; I have been a bum for 2 months now, but having a job prior to moving to Denver feels great. I suppose my plan of skipping town and living on my bike will have to wait. Oh, I am serious that was plan “b” selling everything but my bike, and head south. At some point turning myself in for probation violation and receiving 1-2 years. Why? With no job prospects or money, seems like free room and board is not a bad idea. A discussion for another time, but jail breeds habitual criminals since getting over the exit hump of having no money home etc is tough, jail is easy.
I left the shop elated, riding around the city with even more joy than I typical. I then realize I have to do the bus commute until I get a place in Denver. Then using Jedi mind tricks I turned the bus ride into the train ride I took for 2 years while going to school in Boston. It will give me more time to read, yeah so it will be good (it worked years ago why not now?).
So I start the new job on Tuesday, I will have full reports forthcoming.
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